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Craft Beer Forum of Oklahoma

The inaugural Craft Beer Forum of Oklahoma will be held at Oklahoma State University on Saturday, April 7, 2018. This is the sister event to Wine Forum of Oklahoma, which just completed it's 5th biennial event. Craft brewers from across the nation will join students and administration from the School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration (HRAD) to present a day of education and tasting, followed by an evening Grand Tasting event, complete with the culinary creations of the HRAD programs. Guest chefs from both Tulsa and Oklahoma City volunteer to assist the team in preparing the food.

I have presented a cheese seminar at Wine Forum of Oklahoma since 2013, and I am delighted tp be presenting the "Craft Beer and Cheese" Seminar at this event. Anyone who knows me well is aware that beer and cheese is one of my favorite food and beverage pairings. I have been teaching classes showcasing these dynamic duos for nearly a decade.

In addition to offering an informative, entertaining, and delicious day for craft beer enthusiasts, this event serves a much larger purpose. It raises scholarship money for the OSU School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration. This outstanding program has been preparing the next generation of culinary and hospitality professionals for 80 years.

Today, 300 students learn the art, science, and sense of true hospitality, in part by hosting these wonderful education events. They work tirelessly to implement the skills they are learning in their program, and gain practical experience in hosting and serving a large number of guests at a high-end event.

Stay tuned for information on tickets, hotel information, and some of my favorite spots I'm Stillwater to visit while you are in town.



Later Event: April 15
Get Rub'd in OKC